Dynamic sales dashboard

An interactive display of key sales and marketing information for an international online retail business, made using Plotly's Dash framework

Survival analysis

A microlearning series on analyzing time-dependent probability of an event of interest occurring

Data science podcast explorer

Discover and listen to all the podcasts about data science, machine learning, and big data that iTunes has to offer

A Bit About Me!

I am a neuroscientist turned data scientist who loves discovering all that can be done with some data and a little (or big) bit of elbow grease. Here you will find a collection of my notes and projects covering a range of topics in data mining and web development. Being a perpetual tinkerer, I am always on the hunt for exciting ways to explore and create in Python and R. Along with Mihai Chelaru, I am also the co-curator of IntelligenceRefinery.io, a knowledge repository for all things data science and software development. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, I would love to hear from you!


Toronto, Ontario